Excellent Tips to know for remodeling a kitchen
The kitchen is one of the most complicated remodeling projects in the house because of all the decisions that need to be made. The design phase, planning of the process, selecting of the products and the actual build out are all vital components that translate to the quality and satisfaction of the finished kitchen. According to Remodeling magazine, a major kitchen renovation can result in a return on investment of between 61 and 70 percent of the cost, if done right!
Tip 1: Set Goals for your Kitchen:

The kitchen should reflect your lifestyle. It should accommodate your cooking style, provide the type of space you need for dining and offer storage that meets your specific desires. Its décor should complement your home’s architecture and create an ambiance that sets the tone for gatherings that happen there. A kitchen remodel is not an easy task so it’s important to know “why you are doing it”. The first step is to set some goals for your space.
Tip 2: Work with a builder & designer that understand space:
Every inch of space is important in a kitchen. Don’t feel stuck with the existing floor plan. Windows and doors are seldom in the place you want them. Understanding space, spacial relationships and functionality are all important details and can maximize the space you have to work with. Having vision beyond what is obvious goes a long way in creating a space specific for you and your lifestyle. This is where a smart and experienced builder can really help to maximize the space you are remodeling.
Important Questions to consider in the planning stage:
The Planning stage is a “key” stage in the process. It can set the stage for how the rest of the project will unfold. I like to ask many questions in this stage so that I have complete knowledge and insight to what my client is looking for, is expecting from me, from the process and for the final outcome. https://www.great-answer.com/
Here are just some of the Questions to consider in the planning stage:
· How do you move in your kitchen?
· What type of cook are you?
· What other things happen in your kitchen?
· Do you entertain in your kitchen?
Again, these are just some questions that help in the planning. My list is longer and much more specific when I am working with my client. It’s all about the detail. The more details nailed down in the planning process means a smoother build out process.
Trust: Trust that you have done your research and that you have hired the experts to do an excellent job.
Contact us to get started on YOUR remodeling project!
JFK Design Build – We believe in “ONE custom home fits ONE family”.
(262) 278.7587 or patti@jfkdesignbuild.com